09/14/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today after class my team and I walked to the student union so we can talk about the projects we have going on and the new projects provide on the class. We start the discussion with the first draft of the t-shirts logos for Driffill School. I critiqued every single design, my suggestions were to have lines thicker, reductions of extra lines, trying thicker typefaces because having small lines on the t-shirt will make them easy to pill off from the fabric of the shirt. In general my comments were to keep the logos simple and bold.

After the logos discussion we emailed the new client that were provide today in class, the project generally speaking, in creating different types of drawings for a children book. We email the client to doable check the information and what exactly needs to be done.

Next, we start discussing the product branding client’s many brands. We assigned 3 people to for each of the brands so we can start the development of the logos according to the clients responses we emailed him last week. We also talked about the CI clubs logo and social media designs, my critics from that design were to use the real CI colors and trying a different layout to have all the information and images in a better and simple composition.

We are going to be uploading shortly all our fonts so we all try each of them and see which one works the best on our Driffill School. Below is a image of us at our meeting at student union.
