09/16/16 CAPSTONE 499

I have created a idea board for 2 different websites for Sam. I mentioned before that I am doing mainly a logo for the first stage following websites: hobbies.com (this website is a generic similarity to Amazon.com they offer different items mostly for entertainer), and Biking.com (this website according to Sam offers affordable electric bikes). The idea board consist in icons that I can recreate of styles I can mix together. I also create a research image table so we as a team can have fro reference while we create the Bubble heads project. I watched a short video about the person I am doing the Bubble head for (Rodney Mullen), so I can have a perfect idea who I’m a representing in the illustration. Later tonight I’ll start the first draft of the bubble head.

Bellow are the idea board and Rodney Mullen images for reference:
