09/22/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today I finished my first draft for the second poster of professor Perchuck, I took in consideration that the second poster had to be similar to the first one according to the professor instructions. I’ve created a photo montage to combine the several images we receive so it can fit the poster template. I’ll be sending my draft to my team for review, by doing that I can improve the design and the similarities to the first poster.

As well after George comments on my Rodney Mullen bubble head illustration, I went ahead and start the creation of the poses for the same. At the same time I’m looking for inspiration of his work and TED talks, so I can reflect his real personality into my illustrations.

On the other hand I starts doing sketches for Driffill Elementary School’s mascot the “RAM”, we are creating an original design for them due to a similar, well exact design found in many different schools. We need to design two different design for them. The first one need to be a energetic, aggressive, powerful. Second one needs to be a smaller version, what i mean by that is to have it look cute and non aggressive for the younger children.

Bellow is two images for my work so far this week:
