09/28/16 CAPSTONE 499

The three poses and face expressions close up for Rodney Mullen are completed today, I just need to post them on Trello to my teammates can give me feedback on my designs. By having them write comments on my illustration I’ll know what I can do to improve the design. Apparently, today the class was cancel, but we still are going to meet like always to set the new goals and assign the next design and the deadlines. We should be heading to the development of the libraries for Gorge. Also by this time more CI clubs should have emailed us for more designs to do for them. This week as well we should be starting the logos for Sam’s websites and start developing around the brand. So far I believe we are working well in team and as individual. We have our work done by the deadline and if someone is falling behind we all help to keep the work on time. At the same time we all are learning for each other simple techniques, new tools or actions by looking the work being develop.

Bellow is an image of all my progress until today of Rodney Mullen’s Illustration for Gorge:
