10/08/16 CAPSTONE 499

The first round of libraries for George has being completed, 3-5 generic backgrounds, 3-5 poses of our famous bubble head, 3-5 expressions of our famous bubble heads, 3-5 illustration borders, the creation of several animals related to one of the bubble head. I have completed all of what I was assigned as of today. Next we are going to start a new round of libraries. Also I has completed a new set of logos for Sam’s website after some feedback from my teammates. We like everyday text each other to keep in touch of our progress and to set our deadlines and follow them as well on time. I received some complements from my team mates for my animals and biking illustrations. We also finished the sport shirts for Driffill school, we just need it to set the background transparent and outline the text so the print place can have everything ready with out any problems for lack of font comparatively. We are going to keep working with Sam, gorge Driffil School and Ci clubs constantly and at the same time. Also another poster for Professor Perchuck that will highlight all the series in one  is being made as of today.

Below are sample of my illustration of this week as of today:
