10/14/16 CAPSTONE 499

A total of three backgrounds were finished today. The backgrounds were related it to Abraham Lincoln, for the bubble head provided by Gorge’s children book. The fist one is a design similar to Abraham Lincoln Memorial, it is not exact as the real one but it gives a sense to it. The second one is a illustration of the place Abraham Lincoln was born, a wooden small house, I try to show some texture on the design to show the wood in the house. The third one, is a landscape showing Fort Abraham Lincoln, I chose this image to develop because the shape of the fort is original and not common anymore, at the same time it will show some history behind him and the kids would be carious to learn more of this unusual building. I posted my design for review from my teammates and I got really good comments, no adjustments to be made for now in these backgrounds for Abraham Lincoln.

Below are the image of the background I design for Abraham Lincoln:
