10/18/16 CAPSTONE 499

The banner for Driffill School was finished today, I was assigned to develop a banner for the elementary school from K-8. I made a banner with 3ft x 8ft dimensions, I believe that is the standard banner side for events. I use the logo they want to keep and I added the slogan they wan us to use as well ” we are loud, we are proud, we are rams”. I decided to add a patron as a background / texture because I felt the background being red was too empty, too much negative space to be fill.

Also, today I finished working of the revised logos for Biking.com, I made the bike design thicker and also a mock up of a website so the client in this occasion Sam can see the logo in a real web page. That will give him a better idea on how the logo works and if he wants it for his biking.com domain.

Below is a sample of the designs I did so far this week:
