10/24/16 CAPSTONE 499

Today, I finalize the poster number 3 for professor Perchuck, I decided to use the larger image (a large church )with more negative space to balk out the entire folder. By doing so I could include the other more busy images into the collage/ photo montage. I decided to place the 3 other images to the right of the poster so the image of the lecture speaker is balance with he images, because the image of the speaker is in the lower left corner. I believe my poster has a nice balance and as always the images are the main focus for the viewer. That way we can get the attention of the viewer more efficiently than just having text with different colors. I posted my design in Trello for feedback from my teammates. They said just to play little bit more with the position of the title, as well professor Perchuck said similar comments. After all the revisions I upload my final poster as a .JPG for the professor. I believe is now sent for printing.
Below is a sample of the finalize poster:
