
Little girls

Wow! was how the articles left me complimenting little I believe on things like the newest clothes and shoes is absurd to me 10 years ago because I didn’t grow up with those things and my sisters did. I always have been on the late train with the newest things and have always complimented my sisters on their clothes  although I never thought of how much it would be of such importance in todays youth. A smile is way more deserving than a compliment over nice Jordans. However I was more moved by the target story.

Target is amazing for breaking the stereotypes on what toys boys and girls shpuld play with. I remember growing up my brother would be called a sissy if he played with my dolls and that’s because Ken Barbie was a boy. I know that earlier generations were highly affected with this issue and at some pint to the extreme where they even questioned their sexuality and all because of a doll, stroller and toys that were gender labeled for little girls. I allow my nephew to play with dolls and strollers because hes only 2 and he should be able to play baby one day little biys will be dads and will be carrying around one I think this topic leads into many and am excited to hear the whole classes input on both I really enjoyed the article and sent it to my sister so she can read it too.