11/01/16 CAPSTONE 499

In this post I have the illustration of the poster #3 for professor Perchuck. After posting my first draft of Trello, my team mates gave some feedback saying that I should made some minor changes. One of the most relevant changes was too create two version of the poster on color and one black and white. The preseason for this is because the images provided are too colorful and is difficult to made it serious and old with those cartoony colorful images. I made the required changes to my poster and i ended up having the 2 versions completed today. The idea is to let Perchuck decided which version should go the best with the lecture series. After her decision I’ll cover the image to a .JPG 300 dpi quality to get it ready for print and distribution. Also I modify one of my backgrounds for Dalai Lama. I added the lotus temple to make it more realistic India feel.
Below is a sample of the 2 version posters for the Professor and the new backgound modification with the Lotus Temple:
