11/08/16 CAPSTONE 499

As everyday we texted between each other to make sure we are all up to date with the emails from our clients. One of our clients gave us really good feedback from out work, (George). He also asked us to redesign a Pele illustration for him because the one he had was only half of the body. He also wanted to showcase a old version of the soccer ball use in the world cup. I decided to jump into designing this because this time I was only doing the borders for the pages. Today I finished and posted my Pele illustration in Trello. The initial feedback from my teammates was really good, I hope it does not look too similar to Obama. I’ll made some adjustments if necessary. Also George was only asking to recreate the body of Pele, that is why I only design one pose for this bubble head persona. I think I’ll be asked to developed more poses after.

Below is a sample of my illustration of Pele:
