12/6/15 Blog

While browsing FreePress, I found two interesting points on how “powerful interest” want to censor the internet’s freedom of speech, and block the sharing of information. I have mixed feelings in regards to this topic. Last year I was a victim of identity theft, and it was a nightmare, which made me torn between agreeing and disagreeing. For example, blocking and sharing of personal information may diminish the chances of individuals accessing your personal information, which may prevent identity theft. However, I also feel that it’s important that we have freedom of speech because there’s a lot to fight for in our country, and if we get our voice taken away, I feel like martial law will be in full effect.   

Moreover, I found it interesting after the 9/11 attacks U.S. intelligence agencies implemented an array of spying programs, which has access to our phones and any form of electronic communication device for the American people. In addition, this is a violation of the first amendment which states freedom of speech, and the fourth amendment guarantees these rights are safe from warrantless search and seizure. Additionally, it’s scary to think that our phones are linked and wired to a database where the NSA has access to all of our information. Furthermore, I’ve learned that FreePress has been fighting against this, and in 2015, congress passed the U.S.A. Freedom Act, which eliminates surveillance of our personal phone records and aids in our privacy. Lastly, it’s mind boggling to think how far we’ve come in terms of technology, and how it can be easily manipulated for the worse, but luckily there’s are individuals fighting for us, and our rights.   

Furthermore, In reading It’s sort of a free country, I found it interesting how they mentioned that media doesn’t have control, but it has been deeply imbedded into our society. Additionally, the article discussed how TV affects politics, which is relevant to our current presidential race. For example, the presidential debates gain an immense of attention, in particular Donald Trump. In addition, Donald Trump is currently notorious for his comments on certain topics. Additionally, his comments are greatly stretched out by the media, which has an affect on his appearance, and may later affect his polls.