1968 Vietnam War Newsletters

Andrew Hauffen

September 3rd, 2015

I never really looked into the Vietnam War until I witnessed some newsletters sent to a Congressmen during the time named Bizz Johnson. Most of the letters I have looked  at were during 1968 and most of the people who wrote to Bizz Johnson were for the war. I assumed those people were for the war because they did not realize how tragic and how expensive it would be.

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I feel that this photo means a lot towards our country because looking at this photo can confuse a person. And what I mean by that is this letter can go both ways, for the war or against the war. The quote “Let’s not our freedom go piece by piece” could mean we are losing men each and every day in the battlefield. It can influence people to create groups and organizations to conquer the idea of sending more young men and women to sacrifice their lives. So basically against the war.On the other hand, the quote “It seems to me we could win sometimes” could illustrate the motivation by this individual to support the war. It might seem like he would want to be sent overseas to help his country overcome the war.

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This document interests me because it is simply an American women wanting peace. Also caring for her children in an aggressive and vigorous way. Not ashamed of her language and cruelty towards Bizz Johnson shows the grit and the confidence against this war and that personality is really intriguing. It does remind me of my Grandma how prideful she is towards her beliefs and that amazes me quite a lot.

If I was living in that period of time, I would probably be forced to be a combat troop in the military as a eighteen year old young adult. I would probably be motivated to serve my country as an American. Working hard in training camp, then being strong-willed and strategic in the battlefield. But at the same time missing my family back at home. I would do everything in my power to become successful during I am on duty. Motivated to be some type of leader in my unit. The sooner and more sophisticated I do my job, the sooner I get home.