1971 Letters about Vietnam

Vietnam not only had an effect on the people involved but everyone around them. The family of the soldiers went through an emotional toll along side their sons and loved ones. Not only did they have to stay home and wait to find out if their family was going to come back, and if they did were they going to be intact. They also saw the effects the war had on the economy while the war in Vietnam was happening. They saw the hope in the family’s fall, watched President Nixon go back and forth on weather to retreat and bring the soldiers home.


In this letter you meet a gentlemen named John Jaekel fed up with what is going on around him.  He wants to know if the economy has a plan to rehabilitate the soldiers returning home. They spent so much money on the war finding the resources to fight, and to win, and no concern for the well being of the humans in control of them.

Even in present day society this is still a major concern to every vet who has fought in war. Many vets receive the physical needs when returning home but in my opinion the biggest concern should be the psychological damage caused by war. Psychological damage  done to our vets should be the main concern to military when our troops come home. Many of our soldiers suffer from PTSD, it doesn’t only effect them but there family and friends. Just as in the 70’s this is not an issue that many family think about when the send them of to war.

The economy is mostly impacted by the war and the cost it takes to go to battle. Just as John this is a concern to every american who is anti-war. So all in all we need to redirect our focus and our droller on the health of our soldiers.