1971 Vietnam War Letter

Vietnam War

Every letter that I read in class on Friday was heart warming. Most of the letters I read were from women from various ages. But this was a male writing a letter to the senator. When I read this specific letter it almost made me cry a little. These letters were written in 1971 and that is when most people started opposing the
IMG_5361war. They started opposing the Vietnam war because it had already been going on for a long time and they didn’t expect it to last that long. Also because the United States began bombing Vietnam and the citizens didn’t feel safe in their Vietnam war Letterown neighbors.

In this letter this man, Vincent, was writing this letter because the war in Vietnam had already taken way too long. He said that the war had started when he was in high school and he was a senior in college when he wrote the letter. The reason why this letter made me tear up was because four of this man’s high school friends were killed at war. He states “I must say one of the most revolting sights in this entire world is to attend a military funeral and sit and look at the American Flag draped over a closed casket containing the pieces of a life long friend.” Its sad knowing that a friend you have known for a long time that at their funeral you cant have the casket open to see them one last time before they are buried because they are in pieces. This letter made me value my friend more and to be thankful that I wasn’t alive at this time because I can not bare with losing someone close to me. Everyone I know is valuable to me in some sort of way or form.