24 Hour Disconnect

Let’s just start off by saying, no matter how many days I tried to disconnect from social media and electronics for a full 24 hours, I failed EVERY TIME. Although it may not be why you think I failed. I am not addicted to social media and I have an easy time putting my phone away to study and do homework. The problem is that my phone has become my lifeline. It has everything in it. This includes my work schedule, events, study groups, and homework assignments. I can promise you this: if it is not on my phone calendar or in my notes on my phone, then it might not get done. I also have a planner that helps to keep me organized, but I do not always have access to it, whereas I always have access to my phone. Another reason is that I am a nanny and must have my phone with me at all times in case the parents need to get in contact with me. I am also listed as an emergency contact for the children, so if for some reason the school could not get ahold of the parents I would be called. I take my job very seriously, so I always have my phone on me just in case. Lastly, being a nursing student, double majoring in psychology, and working is really stressful. At the end of the day everyone has their own ways of decompressing. My way is talking and venting to my boyfriend because he has been my biggest support system throughout this crazy journey. He always knows how to make me feel better. The issue is that he lives 200 miles away, so the only way we can talk is to call each other. All in all, I really did try to disconnect. It just isn’t a realistic thing for me to be able to accomplish, especially with my job.