
Heading to the beach sometime soon? Take a short break out of your trip to participate in a hashtag campaign that’s catching on on coasts around the world!

Take two minutes to pick up whatever trash you can locate on the shore, and properly dispose of it in wastebaskets, or take it back with you when you leave. Before disposing of the garbage, take a photo of your findings, and share it online with the hashtag #2MinuteBeachClean. This campaign is rapidly catching fire with beachgoers around the world, and is encouraging people not only to clean up when they visit the beach, but also sharing what sort of trash is being left on our beaches.

Beach pollution and litter is a major problem affecting wildlife on our local coasts, and it takes more than just one person to solve it. But even one person can make a difference, so snap some photos of the trash you pick up the next time you go out, and encourage your followers to do so as well with #2MinuteBeachClean!

Check out some Twitter results here: https://twitter.com/search?q=%232minutebeachclean&src=typd

The website of the film that pioneered the movement: http://beachclean.net/