345G1 2015-11-09 21:57:20

Chapter 9

“5 million alcohol abusers have children under eighteen living with them” (Sternheimer, 219). When using the video of Miley Cyrus, for example and saying that kids are going to copy her behavior. I say it is a stupid concept, I don’t nor have I ever copied the dumb things that celebrates or even loved ones do. Its back to the old saying,”if so and so jumped off a bridge would you do it”. This whole role model thing is really stupid when you don’t even know Miley Cyrus personally, why is she effecting the choices you make>?

In Sternheimer she discusses the only reason that children are not smoking is because their parents are not (p. 221). Even though I do not agree on making someone you have never met your role model. I do agree that children copy their parents.

The quote on page 227 is very interesting,”Movie smoking may be a last-ditch effort of the tobacco industry to advertise through product placement…”It makes sense its the last way for them to advertise, so of course their going to push themselves into motion pictures.

Talking about alcohol, the older generation keeps surprising us in this book. Sternheimer talks about 55-59 year olds binge drinking? Heavy drinking is drinking more than five times a month? She is right when she says no one is taught how to safely drink and this an issue.

People so often joke about eating or smoking or drinking the wrong thing. Just today in class, a few classmates sitting next to me were talking about how “everything gives you cancer” and as a classmate drank a Monster he laughed and said this probably has cancer. AND we know for a fact now that meat has cancer causing agents in it (thank you World Health Organization)..  I TRIED TO PUT THE LINK BUT IT AINT WORKING. So, why are we so quick to throw shade at cigarettes and alcohol BUT NOT MEAT!?

I also am very confused about this new concept of over dosing on over the counters to become high, i think people nowadays are bored, maybe we should give them more homework.