345G2 2015-10-07 01:49:49

On the article about the basic facts about children in poverty, it surprised me that there was a difference in the percentage of children in poverty from different age groups. What I did not find surprising was that parents’ nativity contributed to the percentage of children in low-income families.

In the article “Poverty’s Poor Show in the Media,” what struck me the most was the whole idea of how news stations only report on violence and celebrities. “If it bleeds, it leads.” The sad part is that poverty is worse than bleeding. It’s a side that people do not want to see because it is not as easy to fix as a bleeding arm. The other article about the misrepresentation of the poor in media coincides with this one. Even when news stations do report stories about the poor, it is always negative and unrealistic perspectives of them.

As for Sternheimer, I found it interesting that technology is not having such a negative impact on children as we might have thought. I mean I am not saying that watching tv all day long is good for children, but I feel like society might be overreacting to this issue. Let’s face it. We are moving more and more into a world that is completely immersed in technology.