345G3 2015-09-13 05:48:22

After reading the articles assigned this week I have to admit I was very shocked with some of the facts mentioned in the articles. the one that specifically stood out to me was Children as consumers. I mean I was aware of how much time children and adults spend watching TV and other electronic devices but I never thought it was this bad. Spending more time watching television 15,000 to 18,000 hours of television than 12,000 hours spent per year in school is scary. What is ever scarier to me is the amount of children that watch thousands of advertisement commercials targeting them and some of the children aren’t able to comprehend the messages behind the advertisement and as a result believe the whole commercial. This is when the big problem begins, not only for children but also adults leading to obesity and body issues . The article also mentions how  children and teens influence parental purchases totaling over $130-670 billion a year. That explains why media’s main target is children. Several solutions in Europe regarding media regulation were brought up as a way to improve children’s overall health and stability by banning many of the advertisements, but my question is if this will even work or make things better? What is the U.S. doing in regards to this issue? What do you guys think?