4 Days Out


It seems like a distant memory that a trip to London through the communication program just might be a possibility this year. I remember when Dr. Jenkins first mentioned it to me- we were just finishing up with our Mentorship meeting and he quickly said that he was trying to pull it off. No further details were discussed, but I knew I had to be part of that group. Knowing how many communication majors there were and how many of them were closer to finishing their degree than me, I figured my chances of making it into the class were slim. Still, I was hopeful.

Flash forward a few months, a few emails, and a few deposits later, I found myself sitting in a classroom with 14 other students, figuring out how to work WhatsApp, learning about thousands of years worth of architecture in 13 hours, and anticipating my first flight outside of the country.

We learned a lot about London- from its most famous attractions to some of the most unique experiences it has to offer. Currently, I’m in San Francisco and seeing Gothic style churches, all sorts of cantilevers built everywhere, and the greatest thing- finding myself in awe of every bit of architecture. Without a doubt, Dr. J is to thank for teaching fascinating information and allowing me to have the chance to grow a love for buildings.

Speaking of buildings, the picture attached to this post is one of the most interesting ones I saw while on this trip. Its a Victorian style greenhouse- the biggest of its kind on this side of the Thames River.

They say that London’s famous Kew Gardens is actually mimicked after Golden Gate Park’s large garden and Conservatory of Flowers. The greenhouses at the Kew Gardens mirror the original greenhouse in San Francisco. Had it not been for this class (and university for that matter) my multicultural competence and appreciation wouldn’t be this great.

As this trip to Northern California nears an end and my trip to London draws closer, I can’t help but think about how lucky I am to have been given the opportunity of a lifetime. I can’t wait to experience what London has to offer and fall in love with it.

P.S. Stay posted for more posts from all of us!