
In this episode of Survivor,  things took somewhat of a surprising turn when Jeremy was voted out. I felt like Jeremy was one the strongest teammates on the show in addition to being the most trustworthy.  Jeremy was on the winning team for the first challenge and actually gave up his winnings to Jacqueline as a tactic to deepen his alliance with one of the power couples.  As a result of his selfless act, he was rewarded with being voted to exile island and then voted off the show. What kind teammates he has. It should be noted that Jeremy exchanged his victory spot with Jacqueline after Natalie, Jeremy’s closest ally on the show, gave up her victory to John. This is important because it shows Jeremy’s true character because once he saw Natalie give up her spot, he joined her without hesitation to demonstrate how to stay true to someone that you trust. John and Jacqueline should have showed some pride and rejected their offer. That’s why when I think of leadership, which is described in the book as the ability to make strategic decisions and use communication effectively to mobilize group members toward achieving a common goal, I think of Jeremy. His decision to exchange his opportunity to feast and drink on the winning yacht was a strategic move to show others to trust in his leadership skills. A leader leads by example; not by words. A leader is also not afraid to go against the norm to ensure the common goal is succeeded despite whether people like him or not. Your’e not always going to please everybody and not everyone can handle that. Not everyone on the show could have handled being on exile island for two days at this point but Jeremy’s willingness to nominate himself tells me that he has big enough shoulders to carry a team on his back. He is a true leader and it was unfortunate that he was cheated by some of his teammates he trusted and was voted out.