9/19/15 stereotyping

I found the article to be a bit confusing and all over the place a bit however, I am grateful to be taking communications as a career because I am learning to be insightful on these issues in media. I agree with Cortes that we all generalize and I’d go as far as to say stereotype in some way even unintentional. I believe it is very important that schools start to teach youth and even adults in college the difference in generalizations, stereotypes and depictions.  First I point out the depiction of Dora The Explorer my daughter loves that show and the character has dark skin for example, my daughters both are very light. I understand the depictions of things. I believe they are used and lean towards generalizations what that being said I feel as if the stereotypes then would come in just my opinion on how I view things from my perspective. I must admit that I’ve been guilty of falling into stereotyping when I was younger as a teenager me and friends found it funny. until we were stereotyped by others and felt judged for what we were not. I do think media had a lot to do with why we acted like that and music played a huge part in  it also. As I read the articles I couldn’t help of thinking of Maury and how the show generalizes people of poverty as dead beat dads, or Springer who stereotypes what society calls trailer trash, and Steve Wilco’s show that claims to be different and getting the truth from “Scumbags” who aren’t good parents. I get it and I see how this affects myself and the other 100,000 viewers watching these shows. it saddens me to see how the media portrays us. However the news also does all 3 things also and on a larger scale, I know that our youth learning these differences at a young age can indeed help shape a world more aware of such lies.