

I found this chapter to be very difficult to read because, these are teens who actually had to go through these terrible emptions all alone. I can only imagine the pain and confusion these teens felt as their lives seemed to be, deemed unworthy by bullies who no doubt are dealing  with their own issues, and taking their anger out on another person so they could feel better about one self. I have been a victim of bullying and had my fair share also of being the bully in elementary school. I know for a fact that I feel remorseful and disappointed in how; I treated a few kids at school when I come across there profile on Facebook or other social media sites. these events have brought more awareness about bullying and have helped anti bully campaigns get under way. I support the anti bully movement and feel its my responsibility to speak up if I see that crap happening anywhere I go. I feel as though Ravi got off to easy and that sent out a message that justice is not served and that our system most definitely is screwed up. My heart goes out to Tyler’s family for the pain they’ve had to endure and the loss of their son.

Adult Cyber Predators

The scary truth of internet predators is still not given the attention it needs to raise awareness of the full truth in my opinion. So many young  girls and boys fall victim to these sick bastards daily however, its unfortunate that the media doesn’t always cover these abductions on how much they really do happen. in my opinion the story has to be good enough to get ratings and then the story dies out. when the show “catching a predator” aired the world was seeing for itself that these men were business men, fathers, coaches and at times a person who was looked up to in their community. I believe we should air a story everyday because, a  young girl or boy goes missing everyday in our country. in Hueneme Ca, last year a sex house was discovered its sad because its here in our backyard and there is no telling how many more are out here. the war on both of these issues alive and going strong, I fell as though a strong community can help each other by simply being more  educated on what these homes may run like.