A Fight for Democracy

The Vietnam War occurred in present-day Vietnam, Southeast Asia. It represented a successful attempt on the part of the Democra Vietnam had been split into two, with a communist government in the north under Ho Chi Minh and a democratic government in the south under Ngo Dinh Diem. throughout this week at ci I have  had a great opportunity of analyzing former senator Johnson personal archives  thought the class period I trying to decipher the tone of the author of the letters, mothers sisters. private business lobius,. with  the  the mass of amount of information we were able to organize and narrow down our topic. the amount of  information, seemed,startling at first , but nevertheless  I found a letter that  showed a political perspective of Democratic politicians who lived in California through the years:1969 . in the letter it shows information hand information of the situation that correlated support for Vietnam to have the ability to just become communist.

In August 1964, a US war ship USS Maddoxn incident it was an attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin. Following this attack, Congress passed the Southeast Asia Resolution which allowed President Lyndon Johnson to conduct military operations in the region without a declaration of war. On March 2, 1965, US aircraft began targeting enemy soldiers in Vietnam. through the controversy many Americans felt, the mass strain that war caused. The big divide in social appeal, seemed torn. Many Americans thought the war was  going to end in the late 60’s . How ever, when documents of casualties started  to be released by mass media many young Americans started to question the very integrity of the US government, Kent state.

The relevance that this document  brings insight of how politicians felt towards political foreign policies and the idea of containment of the spread of communism throughout asia