A Hot Mess

The title of this episode says it all!

The Big Five Personality Traits were a major role in this episode, Hunahpu showed many examples of personality differences. Showing extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience and also had perfect examples of their opposites which are: introversion, disagreeableness, carelessness, neuroticism, and closed to experience. When Coyopa made their appearance and Hunahpu realized that John was voted off, Julie showed emotional stability by being calm, poised and secure when she found out that her boyfriend was voted off.

Many members of both Hunahpu and Coyopa discriminate against the older members of their tribe, they exclude them from conversation and other group activities. One week, they tried to vote Dale off because he is older and “does not do anything for the group”, which is false because Dale has done many things for their tribe. This week it was mentioned to vote Keith off because he and Jeremy had become allies, and while Keith was on Exile Island he found a clue to an immunity idol, which he could not find, so he assumed that Jeremy had it. This upset Jeremy because instead of just asking him, he spread it around the island that Jeremy was hiding it. After Keith spread this rumor, he continued to search for the immunity idol and later found it, and has not told anyone about it, so members of the tribe still think Jeremy has it. While Drew was on Exile Island with Jacklyn he decided that if he had a chance, he was going to purposely lose the immunity challenge because he felt that there were members on his tribe that needed to be sent home. His plan was to vote Julie off because she does not have a loved one on the island anymore and she has not been any help in previous challenges. In the end, his plan backfired when he was voted off the island.