A little about me :)

Hello there!

My name is Thalia Fernandez, and I am a transfer student coming from Oxnard College.  I was born in Anchorage, Alaska but raised in Oxnard. I am 21, going on 22.  My major is Psychology; I find the mind to be extremely intriguing and cannot wait to learn more about it. My future career goals are to finish my Bachelor’s here at CSUCI, and then head out to a Physician’s Assistant program.  Ultimately I want to work in the neonatal unit.  I have always had a passion to help people and babies have always been so precious to me, so who better to help than some of the most helpless human beings on this planet.  I have a very strong support system which include my parents, who will do whatever it takes to get me through school; my siblings, one of who makes me always strive for the impossible; and my very loving and supportive boyfriend of 3 years who has always done his best to make sure I am being very well taken care of.  With these people by my side anything is possible.  I look forward to sharing my journey of this new blog with you all, until next time.