A Modern View

One of my biggest take aways from this week was my voicing to political leaders. Regardless if they respond or not, it feels so different as to simply saying it to someone else in person. Hashtags are a brilliant idea that have revolutionized organization amongst the masses as clearly stated in this weeks TED talk. Lurking is not just lurking any longer. With the press of a button you can now directly interact and participate in any movement you feel strongly about.
This tool that humans have manufactured that has progressively and magnificently improved can be the way out of social injustice and outdated methods that don’t correspond with the modern view.
More and more I’m beginning to feel not just a desire to participate but to actually establish an important role that can change the world.
We all feel as if we are destined for something great. At least that’s how I feel. Without this desire we would wake up without any motivation, drive, or optimism.
With the use of Twitter, and even just the web in general this desire is becoming a reality.
Realizing this power that is a passcode away should be and one day hopefully will be the end to a barrier that has kept voices repressed and ideas rejected.
With my contribution towards this issue comes a great responsibility to make this issue understood by everyone in my reach.
The tools are here, ready for me to use. So I will, everyday I get the chance to and I know I can make a change.