A new generation of greed

Chapter 10 and 11 from this week’s readings was quite interesting. Right off the bat in chapter 10 my attention was caught when Sternheimer mentioned “Would you become a living advertisement for the right price?” (Sternheimer, 2013). This automatically directed me to the previous conversations we had in class about individuals being walking advertisements. For example, the individual who had a branding of a company’s brand behind her legs was walking around being a mobile advertisement for that brand. Additionally, this might be due the array of advertisements that are played over and over throughout television that may offer an incentive such as cash, in which young individuals are being subliminally sucked in without even knowing. In addition, “according to a 2006 poll, 92 percent of parents agreed that there is too much advertising to children” (Sterheimer, 2013), which may lead to consumer desires.

Moreover, i though it was interesting when Sternheimer mentioned that there are “plenty of examples of media representations that portray less than ideal behaviors” (Sternheimer, 2013). Furthermore, there was a section in chapter 11 where Sternheimer caught my attention. She stated “Pop culture matters; media analysis is a great tool for exposing the complexities of issues like violence, gender, sexuality, racism, and homophobia” (Sternheimer, 2013). I totally agree with Sternheimer. Additionally, exposing the complexities of the issues that are intergraded within is a great tool for young individuals to open their mind and possibly trigger rhetorical thinking. Additionally, they may explore deeper and possibly have a better understanding in what they’re currently experiencing with their media mediums and pop culture.

Lastly, the story of stuff explains where stuff comes from and how it’s a system. Additionally, i found it interesting that we go into third world countries and take over their land and destroy it for US production. In addition, i was blown away when they kept reiterating how chemicals are intergraded in everyday stuff. Moreover, the story of solutions pointed out interesting points. For example, when she mentioned how we’re focusing on the wrong solutions such as phones and how individuals are trying to figure out how to make it faster, cheaper, newer, instead of finding solutions that concern our own planet such as being safer, healthier and fairer.




Sternheimer, K. (2013). Connecting Social Problems and Popular Culture 2nd edition. Boulder, CO.