A New Research Venture!

Life Changer 2

Another great opportunity for the 2016-17 school year has opened up for me! I’m currently taking my 3rd Research Methods & Statistics course, and through my professor, I have been invited to participate in independent (and funded!) research. The opportunity to conduct research as an undergraduate is such an honor, and to have been singled out and personally approached to be one of a 10 student team is even more so! It certainly seems that  I will have a lot on my plate next year, but I could not be more thrilled! I have tackled my own research projects to fulfill class requirements, but those projects aren’t even on the same level as this type of research as far as the experience and learning that will result. Of course, research in and of itself, is not to be revealed until it is published, but I will definitely be chronicling my experiences in a true lab. Needless to say, this will also be a pivotal first glimpse into my own future and what it can be like to work more closely as professor and student over common interests.

Stay tuned for topics and a firsthand account!

MGH. Professor in Training

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