A second take at my Original analysis

The documents I choose were a comic scrip as well as a Political Cartoon  both giving a lighter and a less serious sense of the war. The political cartoon depicts a caricature of President Richard Nixon holding up a shield labeled the cause, while five other nights titled; Southern Conservatives, New Media & Intellectuals, New Left Fanatics, Kennedy Hard Core, and McCarthy Fringe as well as other unnamed knights. These Five knights have all drawn their swords and have cornered President Nixon at the Lake Duck Tree leaving him with no place to run. When you first see this Political Cartoon it has a strong meaning towards the war but it is not very serious. In the picture President Nixon’s nose is exaggerated, which is very funny and may be done since it was done in October 1968 and was not very popular and since in the picture he is literally the bad guy but none the less is very comical. It is also no coincidence the Southern Conservative’s Knight slightly resembles a Ku Klux Klan Member, with a white rounded helmet but this same helmet has a white point and a whites sheet going down the back where its written, “Southern Conservatives”. IN addition the helmet if you look closely covers the knight’s face, so the artist drawing a White Knight which is another term associated with the KKK has slide in a reminder of who these people and that even they want the war ended. After watching the Documentary (The Sixties – The Years That Shaped a Generation) it helped put actual faces to groups like the “New Left Fanatics” as well as “News Media” and “Intellectuals”. Seeing people frustrated and struggle to be heard as well as see protesters from these movement attacked beaten and killed shows that they were actual fighters and were willing to stand up for what they believed in. To put it plain and simple the generation during the sixties had a strong backbone on both sides this political cartoon is arcuate about the fighting they did for their beliefs. They were the knights of America, Fighting for a cause greater than themselves to better the country as a whole, a truly noble cause that this image portrays of the people in the sixties. Both the document and the video are talking about President Richard Nixon and that he wasn’t too popular. But the video unlike the Political Cartoon fails to elaborate on why, which would mainly be the Vietnam War, Pentagon Papers that were leaked after wards, and finally the Watergate. When he continued the war after knowing how the countries feelings toward the war was a major strike against him. By the time he had taken office the war had been going on for 14 years and the sentiment given by the majority of Americans was to leave the war yet he continued on the fight. But things only got worse when, the Pentagon papers were leaked showing that he had expanded the war (specially bombing) to Cambodia  and Laos as well as attacks on North Vietnam, and Marine Corps random attacks on villages. President Nixon then sent house “Plumbers” to discredit and stop the leak of the papers. But the final nail in the coffin was Water Gate. The same plumbers were ordered by President Nixon to break into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. and President Richard Nixon’s administrations attempted to cover-up the serious crime, he then quit in fear of impeachment. With the new information I have I can understand more clearly why a lot of Bizz Johnson‘s response were generic and were written in a way to protect himself politically with all the change going on in and out of the country. I wouldn’t say anything to incriminate myself with how hot America was with civil right, Vietnam, President Nixon, and much more.
