A Warm Welcome to London

It’s been three days since we have been in London and I cannot stress how wonderfully surreal this experience is. Before leaving, I had my idea of what it was going to be like and I have to say it does not compare to how it actually is. 

The streets are flooded with people rushing to get to where they need to be. Most of them wear headphones to make the commute somewhat easier, I think. I even saw one person go as far as to read a book on their way to the tube. I couldn’t help but think how different it is from LA. I highly doubt I would find someone reading a book on their way somewhere in LA. 

If people aren’t filling up the sidewalks then they are on their bikes. I was surprised to see how many choose to ride bikes to get to places. The taxis, buses, and cars seem to be mindful of them though and will make room for them on the road.  

But nonetheless, you can see sometimes it can get a bit messy. 

Yesterday, we went to visit the Westminster which is probably my favorite thing we have done so far.  


It seems as if the architecture was designed to ensure that every inch was built with a meaning behind it. From the animals they would choose to put on their tombs to the way the ceilings were built, nothing was without significance. I think what I really enjoyed though was our guide Shawn’s enthusiasm. It made me interested to learn about every inch of the space. What amazes me even more was the fact that Charles Darwin was buried in there. I would have never of guessed. 
The amount of detail that went into creating what the Westminster is today is probably why it was my favorite so far. We visited other places too such as the London eye, Buckingham, The Shard and several others which did not disappoint. That just makes me even more excited to see what is up next!