A Wrinkle in the Plan ~ Episode 8

With the surprising departure of Julie in Episode 7, I was shocked and unsure of what would happen in episode 8. Josh and Jeremy tried to salvage their alliances. From the begining of the episode it seemed that Jon and Jaclyn were on the fence about which alliance they were going to choose. All of the younger players (Baylor, Wes, and Alec) just seemed to get more annoying.

In this episode, I really saw the course material relate to this week’s lecture. The Group motivation was extremely apparent During the challenge for the taco bar. The groups both encouraged their members to get the challenge done. I saw the episode relate a lot to the four categories of Motivation:

  1. A sense of meaningfulness- Everyone tried their hardest to get the challenge completed so they could win.
  2. A sense of choice- Jon and Jaclyn had the most relying on them this week; the way they voted could change the outcomes of future alliances.
  3. A sense of competence- I saw this in everyone this week, except for maybe Baylor. She annoys me and I really wanted her to go home.
  4. A sense of progress- By the end of the episode, I sensed that everyone in Jeremy’s alliance felt a sense of progress when they were finally able to vote Josh out.