This past week, I traveled to San Francisco for the AAG conference. I arrived on Tuesday night and stayed up late finalizing my poster. On Wednesday, my partners printed the poster and drove up to San Francisco. I attended the conference on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. During these days, I sat in on several talks and attended the poster presentations. On Thursday, I presented the poster with my partners, Dylan Fadich and Ryan Summers. The conference was a great learning and networking experience. I had the opportunity to learn about a wide range of topics within such a short amount of time. The conference was also an opportunity to meet other researchers and discuss our varied topics. This was nice not only to broaden our networks, but also to get other peoples idea’s about our topic.

I would like to thank Dr. Linda O’Hirok for providing us with this opportunity. Additionally, I would like to thank CSUCI for funding us to go to the conference.


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