About Andrew Brinkman

I am a Environmental Science and Resource Management senior in at California State University Channel Islands who enjoys studying the interaction of environmental impacts on natural resources. I have worked extensively in coastal, marine, riparian and island ecosystems. Some of my experiences include studying the effects of wildfires on riparian ecosystems, deep sea marine acoustic telemetry of White Sharks along the California coast, and evaluating the restoration potential of the endangered Island Torrey pine on Santa Rosa Island. My future endeavors include graduate studies in ecology with active participation in giving back to local communities in environmental education and preservation. In my free time I enjoy surfing, backpacking, traveling, cooking, reading, birding and plant identification.

Census of all current Island Torrey pines on Santa Rosa Island, CA
Census of all current Island Torrey pines on Santa Rosa Island, CA
NOAA intern at Channel Island National Marine Sanctuary with Hoffman Lab at UCSB. NPR featured article: http://www.npr.org/2014/07/15/330440072/underwater-meadows-might-serve-as-antacid-for-acid-seas
NOAA intern at Channel Island National Marine Sanctuary with Hoffman Lab at UCSB. NPR featured article: http://www.npr.org/2014/07/15/330440072/underwater-meadows-might-serve-as-antacid-for-acid-seas