About Me

 Snapchat-1054698107567139855 My name is Ilyanna Camacho and  I hope to major in Registered Nursing although I am thinking of changing majors to Political Science or to Sociology.  I grew up taking care of family and helping others with various work. Which is what led me to want to help in the community or at least make a difference in others lives. I am the baby of 4 children, my moms only and my dad’s fourth. I am very close to both my parents, as they are my biggest motivators. Although times were not always easy they taught me to never give up but to stand up and find another way around until I made it. These wise words would stick with me for the rest of my life. I didn’t really have the typical high school experience but I do not regret it in the slightest because I was able to realize my potential early on. In my early teens we began to move around a lot so I switched from public High School to an Independent Charter school. Within that same time I began to work and continued to work through my last three years of high school. Focusing on school and work really helped me grow up  and realize I am the one who needed to be responsible for getting to work, maintaining school and my grades. I do also enjoy traveling to see my family in Carrillo Puerto, Mexico twice a year. Where I enjoy nights of music, food and lots of laughs. My favorite hobby is to help care for animals we started fostering puppies when I was 15. I kept it up until I fell in love with a little boy Chihuahua right after my 17th birthday. Seeing how attached I got my mom didn’t make me give him back but told me I could no longer foster. Being away from my fur babies is the biggest challenge, but I hope to begin volunteering at the local shelter to give back to the kindest creatures around.