About Me

My name is Ronald(most call me Ron)Mincey.  I could tell you that I am your everyday average guy, getting by on this rock, whizzing around through space, but that would be far from the truth. I am an old-school nerd that still loves D&D, super hero’s and super villains, classically stupid B movies, and continuing the adventures of my plastic Bat Man.  On the other side of my quirky world is the guy that loves classic cars, punk rock music and having a few beers with my friends that I have had for more than thirty years. Somewhere in the middle of that I have been bar-tending for twenty-eight years, a avid golfer(with a single digit handicap), father of two and what most would say “the loving guy that would give the shirt off his back if you asked for it” kind of guy.

Most of the people that have met or known me for any length of time would classify my as a different kind of crazy, maybe that is why I chose this school, hmm. Not the kind of crazy that needs to be medicated and bound, but more the crazy that I never takes thing for how they appear.  I am always finding the other side to the story, and most of the time can come up with a theory that just isn’t thought of by most. As we adventure into “My Thoughts and Idea’s” blog, maybe it will become clearer on what I mean by crazy.  I am looking forward to being able to speak freely and have someone actually listen to my rants. Until then, have a great day, find something that makes you laugh out loud, and never lose your inner child.