Accusations vs. Cohesion

In the survivor episode it seems as though the tittle of the episode is almost the same as that of Chapter 8. , Actions vs. Accusations and conflict and cohesion. With Accusations come conflict and with action comes cohesion in a sense. The fact that Jeremy’s wife was voted off cause’s conflict between him and John. I think this is interesting because the fact that John aligned himself with Jeremy also caused conflict between him and Josh, Josh being upset that John would align with Jeremy. This in turn causes tension between Julie and Jeremy because Jeremy is trying to make John a target to be voted off. All this conflict makes it difficult for the team top function as a group initially but it forms new alliances among members and in doing so begins to create cohesion within members that have similar ideas. I see a negotiation begin to happen in the cayopa tribe to try and sway the boys to disconnect from john and begin to align themselves with the woman as opposed to the boys against girls stance that seems to have formed, by emphasizing teamwork they try to establish cohesion but not at the expense of the destructive conflict of alienating John. The Guys still feel that their Men group of cohesion still outweighs that of not voting out the girls but it seems up in the air mid episode. Ultimately the conflict among the members was enough to sway members to form different alliances and John was voted off. The conflict between both teams toward John caused new alliances and ideas to come forward swaying team member position. I think that this is a great example of how conflict can create new ideas in teams and possibly change dynamics.