Actions vs. Accusations

Episode 3 of Survivor goes along with the conflict chapter perfectly!

In the beginning, Drew becomes frustrated with making a better roof that does not have holes and decides to take a nap instead of helping the rest of the tribe. There is affective conflict between Missy, Natalie and Drew because Drew does not think he needed to contribute to weaving leaves for a roof without holes because he can do better things.

Jeremy’s wife Val was voted off and when Jeremy realizes that, he feels betrayed by John Rocker who agreed to watch over Val. This is a form of competition conflict. Jeremy sees it as John did not do what he agreed to, but John did what was best for his tribe and Jeremy focuses on the personal goal if it. In turn, Jeremy tells everyone the truth about who John Rocker really is: an ex baseball player who made racist and homophobic remarks.

Later, Baylor tries to remind everyone that this is just a game and really everyone is just out to get each other and there area no real alliances. Baylor also tries to convince the boys to vote John Rocker out. Alec thinks Baylor is at the bottom and is trying to get John voted off, to save herself from being eliminated.

Members of Hunahpu are trying to convince Coyopa to vote Rocker off their tribe this week because now they know about his past. Now there is conflict between both tribes especially because of the way John responded to Natalie’s rude remarks about voting him off. John goes to the girls and tried to get them to vote Dale off because to him, Dale is useless, when in reality he’s just trying to save himself. After the girls agree to this, John goes against it and votes Baylor off. Now everyone is going against each other and not keeping their word.

If I were in their situation, it would cause conflict for me that no one stays true to their word and I would never trust anyone.

In the end, John’s plan backfires and he is voted off even when he has an immunity idol because he thought he was safe.