Active Participation – Engaging in Social Media with Purpose


This week in #UNIV349DC we are looking to truly engage in social issues online by being active participants. With college tuition being a hot topic for the upcoming election but in few other places, I have decided to engage with the politicians who will potentially be making decisions regarding the costs of college in the near future. As previous posts can attest to, this cause is near and dear to my heart and I truly believe that we can make leaps and bounds as a country if we weren’t turning such a profit from education. Some of the most brilliant minds in our history would not have been able to afford further schooling by today’s standards. People often ask what if the cure for cancer is hidden inside the mind of someone who can’t afford college? I think that investing in the minds of students is the absolute best investment that we could ever make. As a tax payer, I would happily watch my tax dollars being spent on our future rather than creating more messes.

I reached out to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on Twitter because they both have high presences there and are the front runners regarding this issue and in the election as a whole.

feelthebern fightshillnah

As you can see from the number of retweets and favorites, they are capturing the attention of Twitter users. I have been following Bernie Sanders’s campaign from early on, so I have a relatively good idea about his goals, but have disregarded a lot of what Hillary Clinton has said until the statement that she made in the photo above. “…your fights are my fights,” she says and I sought to challenge that because the cost of college is easily one of my biggest struggles. I look forward to hearing from the camps of both candidates and will report back on any progress.

I also sought to engage with all Twitter users by tweeting out a question and creating a hashtag. Fingers crossed that something comes of it, because I truly would like to hear the thoughts of other students or even parents – those that are directly affected by the issue.




Wish me luck!

MGH, Professor in Training

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