Advice for My Future

Dear future me,

If you are reading this, that means you feel like the universe has pulled the floor from underneath you, leaving you to pick up the broken pieces of your life. You came to this letter, hoping to seek some guidance with dealing with this types of situations (hopefully without pushing the people who can help you away).

The first advice I have for you is just to stop and breath. These sort of scenarios normally happen to you because one of three major things has happened:

  • you’ve spread yourself too thin and are stressed to get everything done at once
  • you’ve just received certain news that may or may not turn your whole world around
  • you’ve been stabbed in the back (or heart, depending on the person) and trust has been broken once again

Because we tend to assume things that may or may not be true, we evaluate most situations by how they appear. So just breath and if you need some time to yourself, do that. Just don’t always be in isolation.

The next advice I can give is don’t push people away, especially those that are only trying to help. You’ve made great friends along this hard road called life and they’ve been there despite everything the world has thrown at you. The reason they are still there after all this time is because they truly care about you. Don’t ever think otherwise. Go to them. Talk to them. They’ll listen and help you.

The last bit of advice I have for you now is let things play out. I know we’ve been hurt on more than one occasion for a variety of reasons and try to avoid any repeats. We tend to shut everything down and everyone out to avoid being hurt again. However, that’s not the way to do things. Don’t assume the worst. That’s how mistakes are made, friendships lost, and pain is caused. Believe me, I know.

I hope this advice was somewhat helpful. Just don’t let the past define the present or the future. Not everyone is going to stab you in the back or leave you.

See you in the mirror!
