All about me

My name is Raul Perez and I’m from Downey California. I graduated from Warren High School, where I was actively involved in many organizations and sports at my school. I’ve ran Track and 009Cross Country for all four years and played a bit of baseball. Although baseball was and still is my main sport I stuck with running and I’m blessed to say it was a really great decision. While I was running, my cross country had won the CIF Division 1 title marking both the first time the school had ever received a Division 1 title as well as the team. I am currently enrolled as a Environmental Science and Resource Management major and I do not plan on switching majors anytime soon.

I love the environment and just nature in general. I’m more of the outdoors type I just like to be outside and explore the world around me. Whether it’s playing sports, out hiking, being at the beach or just being outside and hanging out with friends I do it all, I rarely like being indoors. With my Environmental major I plan on becoming an Environmental Lawyer were I would then hope to make a difference in some aspect in the world. I know no one man can change the world, but my main goal is to just preserve the world long enough for my kids and my kid’s kids to live happy lives. I am currently the first in my family to go to college, so this experience is as new to me as it is for everyone else within my family.

I have three brothers back at home two of which are way too young to even understand where I am at, so its kinda hard being away from them at times. Coming to Channel Islands has been a big step you can say, although I’m not too far from home I do get a little homesick every now and then. I am excited to be here at CI and be apart of the SURF program with all of you amazing people. I’m ready to just take on this year and let life take me on its’ journey, because I know for certain it will be great.