All cultured Up

Our free day without doctor Jenkins was one of the best days ever, there is  no direct correlation of course. While we were at the Shard we met a wonderful woman named Ish who took aside Ciara and I to ask us about our expereinces in London so far. After giving us a facisnating story about her stories in the states she began to give us destinations that would make us feel like we got a true Londoners experience. We of course took her advice.

I was able to see the Natural History Muesem, the British muesum , and eat food in China Town, as suggested by Ish.

One of the best experiences I  had was being in the British muesum. My day was literally made better walking into the British muesum and seeing the vast and intricate architecture. From Asian history to British propoganda, my world was blown. The most wonderful  part? When Raymond dragged me into the room where the glass roof had been added, not to mention mummies! Your eyes are automatically drawn to the beautiful glass roof, the lighting and the reflection of the marble. I can not describe in words what I experienced seeing this for the first time and the love I felt for this muesum.

What could make any experience better? Finding a small french bakery that sells fresh salmon and cream cheese bagettes with macaroons the size of your palm. I love food and I feel that part of the experience of the culture is trying just about every aspect you can even if you don’t like it, which was not a problem in my particular situation.

Just to finish the night with a bang we had some of the most delicious Chinese food I have ever had. We found out that in Europe the chinees food is a tad bit different, I personally felt that was just as delicious.

This day turned out to be one of the most in depth cultural
days I have had since we got here. We hung out with some of the local in Leicester Square and discussed the difference between English culture and American culture. This day ended with quite a wonderful bang!

Posted in front of the British Muesum