All Hail Jon

During this episode of survivor it was their 24th day on the island, and the Huyopa Tribal council voting were running off of many people’s attitudes. Natalie was still extremely shocked and blind sighted that Jeremy was voted out and was out for revenge and bonding with other people. During this episode, Natalie and Reed exhibited a signs of wanting to take leadership of the groups that they were in and wanted to take over. Natalie went forth with trying to formulate different solutions to solving her problem of being left out of an alliance and Jeremy. During this episode the challenges came with many big inciting rewards. The yellow team won the first challenge send Alec, Jon, Jaclyn and Missy in the place or Reed to be Survivor goodwill ambassadors towards delivering baseball gear to children. The immunity challenge was won by Reed and he then hatched a plan to get out Jon as well.
Reed and Natalie executed the Single Question format in trying to solve their problem of being left out of alliances and to get Jon voted out. They went through the five steps of interpersonal and procedural problem solving. First, they went through and identified their problem as Jon and his power over the Huyopa tribe and voting other out. Second, they both carried forth their group collaboration setting by discussion norms with others. Reed identified assumptions and biases and discussed norms with Alec and swayed him to be on his side. Natalie sett a collaborative environment by letting Baylor in on the secret that there was another immunity idol somewhere in their camp and they found it. Third, they identified and analyzed the issues by identifying that they need to all be on the same page when they vote Jon out and they both have immunity idols to protect themselves. Fourth, they identified the possible solutions they would have from changing up the vote and the alliances. The decided that voting Jon out would benefit both of them towards winning. The last is they tried to answer the single question of how to get Jon out of them game even if he was equipped with an idol. Little did they know, entering tribal council Jon was ready with his immunity idol therefore rendering him no votes against him. Leaving Wes to be the ninth person voted off survivor islands.