All roads come to an END….

      End of life…I find it interesting that our culture does not welcome death as others do. In fact, we seem to be in a state of denial about it. But, it is understandable. Why would we want to think about our wonderful life ending and leaving our loved ones behind? But in reality,  it is going to happen someday, and there is no time frame on it, which is why we need to prepare as though it may be tomorrow.

      Unlike most young people, I unfortunately experienced death early in life. At the age of 13, I lost my best friend in a tragic car accident. I had previously lost my grandparents, however, losing someone so close to me that was my same age was a huge eye opener for me. Mainly, it made me realize the reality of death at a young age. Ever since Annie’s death, my family and I have been very open about discussing death with one another. Over the years, we have talked about different aspects of death. However, I have never actually thought of myself in the situation of actively dying and what I would want.
My overall thoughts about “what I would want,” are really not about me at all. I feel that at that point, it’s about what my family wants and needs in that situation. At the end of the day, I am passing on and my family has to go on living. In any event, I would want the process of losing me to be as easy as possible. My family and I have had small discussions about this topic, however, we have never gone into too much detail. I honestly have never thought it was all too important to discuss because I feel as though they know my overall feelings about the situation (as I have just discussed). However, this semester has opened my eyes to the importance of these conversations. I have witnessed first hand the vulnerability and desperation that families go through when their loved on is ill and the disharmony that it creates within the family. The last thing I would want is for that to occur in my family. So, I have realized that I need to plan and share with my family in further detail what my wishes are- in writing.