Alot in so little

Hey everyone, I decided today was a good day for a strong update. Ive been looking through pictures and videos and Im honestly missing home, China is officially taking its toll on my mental awareness. The roomies and I love the people, food, and experiences we’ve made here but we’ve all noticed it in each other. Its time for us to head back home to restart our lives and make new adventures. With the time clicking by so quickly, i decided lets give you all an update on whats been going on over here. so im gonna try to make the most pictures available, but since on my tablet the format isnt the best.
The first pictures youll see are of my students, Im glad to say they are my students and I love them each very much. I will truly miss them and my coteachers. Each day with them, makes Chengdus bleak days bearable. In less than a month I have to tell each of them They will have a new teacher, and it breaks my heart. They not only learned english, but the way to repest other people. They will be our future and i hope i taught them well.

Recently our favorite western restaurant closed down because the owners were moving back to the states for a baby. I wish you all the luck Danny and Dana on the newborn. We will definitely miss you and your food. Chengdu no longer has the Lazy pug to support our sunday morning brunches. :(

Right now though my heart aches for my puppy and the chance to take him to the park, and to say hi to my baby niece. She was born only months before i left for china and i only got to see her a few times, but as an uncle i wanna be there to spoil her. A whole year and i havent changed muched, hah.
Recently the first ever archery sports club opened up in Chengdu, you could not believe how excited i was to release an arrow again (Jon Jon can). Its called elves made me laugh, but its such a stress reliever from the rest of the world. i wish i could go more often but my budget is limited so ive only been once. I miss shoot an arrow into hay. 
I promised my roomie Josh Id visit Trinidad after we get to party it up in his home country. So look out for an update there. Had to update, IF YOU HAVENT GOTTEN A POSTCARD YET, HMU WITH A MSG ILL GET ONE OUT TO YA.
To my readers, will this be last post before i return home, No. this is my adventure across the world and i dont plan to stop my adventure. Will this prolly be my last post of China.