An Unforgettable Experience

Humans and the world are linked by different series of characteristics that make them so similar. For one they are both living organisms that contribute to the world we live in. Our similarities is what makes us one world. At Santa Rosa, I couldn’t stop looking around I was so curious to learn about everything. Everything looked so unperfected yet so perfect. I was constantly taking mental pictures of everything I saw not only the big picture but the small details that made everything look the way it does. As I was looking around the island and now visualizing it in my head, I can see so many human characteristics within nature. While I think of the people around me, I see a world of nature. It’s funny how I did not think of how humans and nature could be the same but now that I’m thinking of it we are so similar. Nature like humans have an attitude. I see the attitude in nature by there weather or by the way nature naturally sets a vibe to the area. I view Santa Rosa Island like a stubborn yet free living person. I thought of stubborn because while I was there for three days throughout the days at least once it had to be windy. From what I hear it’s always windy and blows of geologists’ hats off there head like if it were a way of nature portraying it’s stubborn personality. I know people who have these characteristics and as soon as I saw the prompt and it asked how humans and nature relate I right away thought of the first characteristics I saw from the island and what was living on it. I came up with an attitude by the weather but also by everything I saw around me. Also by the way the island had created everything from the cricked unperfected trees and the perfect view of the ocean. This reminds me of how people always tend to think everything about themselves is perfect yet it’s not the island proved it by having perfect characteristics like the view from the mountain to the ocean and also the not so pretty things like the uneven bushes or tree’s. Since everyone who worked on the island kept repeating it was a young place it made sense especially because of what I saw the Island do the trees and the ocean move freely with so much life inside of them like a young child would. overall Santa Rosa Island gave me peace, seeing the ocean rock back and forth like a little kid playing on a wooden horse. the trees with no particular shape reminded me of how kids don’t know about imperfections. These characteristics are important because just like kids make adults happy and many times change them. The island makes people happy whether its being secluded and having time to themselves or simply the desire to be in touch with nature. It changes many people’s way of thinking as well as living, I know I personally like many other surf students Santa Rosa island changed me .