Analyzing Reality


What thrives me to be better is the idea of knowing there are existing issues that yet need to be solved. Issues that affect our lives in the greatest manner that in fact can be changed for the better as long as the whole world is on the same page. Refugees in Syria and neighboring countries such as Afghanistan are escaping and are experiencing a fall of current rule. Citizens are being forced to flee from the violence from a place they once called home. Their culture is being taken away from them similar to how mine is taken away from my family. Mexico has been the source of narcotics in recent decades for both their home land and neighbors, us. Social issues root down to the war on drugs and tie in to keeping our economy down and class status stagnant. Last but not least, racism is not a poison that can’t be ignored. It lives and presents itself in the minds of millions still today and continually acts out in form of rage and injustice.

Germany and the seemingly inclined Turkey are receiving thousands of refugees each day. The scarcity of good care in the camps they are centralized in is crying for extended resources. They never would have imagined this amount of immigrants seeking asylum in their countries. Nonetheless, the world is crying for our help more and more each day. If we choose to ignore the climate in our reality, we might not see the storm coming. It is our job as students of the collegiate world as well as of life to be conscious of humanities struggles and act in a helping manner. This statement is to bring life to this situation happening around the world from us. No matter the distance, time is not in our favor thus we need to act now.

Narcotics are deadly. Narcotics help you they say. Narcotics are in the lives of all ages now a days. However, I never would have thought narcotics would reach a level where it would take a piece of me. Culture is subjective and unique to each and every perspective. Mexico has been terrorized by Government corruption as they continue to turn their heads purposefully towards groups of terrorists for the sole purpose of profit. I shouldn’t be scared to visit my family because of something so harmful to society. Drugs in America have been an extremely important issue as of recent years since we continue to see the damage they create. Both individually and in the masses. Yet another issue that deserves attention along with a solution.

We use equality as a face of our country and remain ignoring it in our everyday lives. We shouldn’t get used to or feel comfortable with the idea that at any time a traffic stop can turn into a shooting as was the case of police officer Michael Slager in South Carolina. As a person considered to be a minority, these issues are ones of great importance. Life is too short to accept these atrocities and we need to act now by using our freedom of speech to state the importance of such events that quite frankly need to be attacked and ended.