And The Tables Have Turned….. Yet again!

At the beginning of this episode, we see the Hunahpu tribe as they come back from they’re elimination. Drew was blindsided and it seemed like the only person who didn’t realize what was going to happen was John who was Drew’s only true friend. Besides the shock of the coyopa tribe realizing Drew had been voted off, there was an even bigger shock this episode. The tribes had to #dropyourbuff and mixed up the tribes completely. This was not something I expected because I felt like each tribe was barely starting to get to know the group dynamics and realizing each persons personality types. I believe the reason some people have been doing so well in avoiding getting voted off is because their personality types are more of introverts. I feel like the biggest extroverts on each team are slowly being weeded out. If I were them I would keep my mouth shut and just go with the flow. The key is to get along with everyone so that no one goes after you.

As the show continues, we see some extremely happy people and some not so happy people. The reason some people are happy is because they are reunited with their family member.  On the Coyopa tribe, poor Keith is the only single person on this team. He, as did I, believed he was the next one out of this tribe. Fortunately, there was conflict between two of the other couples and they didn’t even think to vote out Keith when the Coyopa tribe lost the challenge. Missy and Dale started the tension when Missy made too much rice. Dale did not like this because he was so used to making a certain amount each day. This, plus the feud between Baylor and Dale in the days prior have already altered the group dynamics negatively. Kelley tried to play peacemaker between her dad and the other couple but in the end, she was the one voted out. I still don’t understand why this was their decision but I have a feeling I’ll understand in the episode to come.