Anything but a breeze

Hi Guys,

Hope you had an awesome spring break, even though I am sure the homework load from all your courses kept you busy. Or maybe not? Just as a status update, I know in my last post I stated that my group partner and I changed our initial topic of “baby talk” to adverse effects of caffeine. However, we decided to revert back to our initial topic but this time address it from a different angle. In which, we now are examining the use of “baby talk” not only with children but with the elderly and in intimate relationships. Nevertheless, in sake of not being repetitive and not overlapping with what I discussed in my vlog, I will spare you guys the technicalities behind our group inquiry project.

However, I do want to discuss the current interdisciplinary dilemma I am going through right now. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts I am currently taking Marketing 442 which is the psychology of judgment decision making. One of the course assignments that is required in this class is a group paper accompanied by a group presentation. In which, I do not mind doing papers or presentations at all. However, when the subject matter is not the funnest of concepts then it is challenging. My group’s topic is prospect theory. If you guys do not know what prospect theory is, you don’t want to know. No, just kidding prospect theory  in short, is an economic theory that illustrates the outcomes of choices associated with risk. For example, I win $100 at a casino, but I decide to continue to gamble . In which, I have a choice to either cash it in or to